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Chicago Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

If you’ve recently suffered a spinal cord injury, we can imagine your devastation, pain and suffering. How you deal with these new life changes will largely depend on whether you have the right legal team by your side. With over 30 years of personal injury law practice experience in Chicago, the Law Offices of Joseph Younes understand these hardships and will be by your side as we fight to get you the compensation you rightfully deserve!

What is a Spinal Cord Injury?

A spinal cord injury occurs when the nerves that communicate with the brain to the rest of your body are damaged. Of the approximately 17,700 people affected each year by spinal cord injuries in the United States, 39% are the result of car accidents. However, other traumas including slip and falls, motorcycle, and sports-related injuries may also result in spinal cord injury.

Road at night

Degrees of Spinal Cord Injury and Symptoms

The severity of a spinal cord injury is determined by the amount of damage to the spinal cord or vertebrae. And while the degree of injury is only one side of the spectrum, the associated symptoms and the expected recovery time varies from one patient to another.

Certain symptoms may include:

  • paralysis;
  • loss of sensation (in the legs and feet);
  • loss of bowel and bladder control;
  • loss of function below the level of injury;
  • respiratory failure.

Types of Benefits and Compensation for Spinal Cord Injury Victims

Depending on the severity of a victim’s injuries, they may be entitled to disability benefits and compensation including:

  • Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits;
  • Medical care and treatment;
  • Insurance;
  • Public assistance;
  • Liability.
how long does it take to settle a auto accident injury claim

Advice for Spinal Cord Injury Persons

If you’ve been involved in an incident where you’ve sustained a spinal cord injury, you should follow these steps:

Seek medical attention immediately

In the wake of a spinal cord injury, time is of the essence, and every second counts.

Document everything

If you’re not in the capacity to do so, ask someone you trust to keep record of your treatment, medications, doctors’ visits, and other aspects related to your injury.

Don't sign anything without talking to a Chicago spinal cord injury attorney first

Insurance companies will likely approach you in the wake of an accident to entice you to sign a release or a waiver.

Get in touch with a Chicago spinal cord injury lawyer

They will guide you through the legal process and help you win your settlement.

Keep a positive outlook

Most importantly, remember that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Things will get better.

Hire a Chicago Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

A spinal cord injury can change a person’s life, but it doesn’t have to change their identity. At the Law Offices of Joseph Younes, our team of dedicated Chicago spinal cord injury attorneys want to hear your story and get you the help you need to get your life back on track. If you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury, contact our offices today for a free case consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

As long as the damage has lasted at least three months and is anticipated to prevent you from working for at least 12 months, anyone with a spinal cord injury is eligible to apply for Social Security disability payments.

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